As the cost of living crisis continues, many of us face tough decisions this Winter. Do we heat our homes even though we are afraid of the potential cost?
Holmcroft Youth & Community Centre is very aware that some in our community need more support. So each Tuesday & Thursday from 10:00am – 1:00pm, till the end of March 2023, our café is open to any who wish to find a safe, welcoming, kind and friendly place to keep warm and enjoy a free coffee or tea.
Please do not hide away or fear how you will be received; heating and coffee is on us for those 3 hours twice a week and we would be delighted to see you.
Some have enquired about how to support this important and essential Warm Spaces outreach. The most effective way is financially.
You can support Warm Spaces:
1. By giving to HYCC.Bank details:
If you are a tax payer you can give through Stewardship. It will increase your giving by 25%.
2. Make People aware.Share our details with any you know could benefit from this service.