Our Future



Wikipedia on Community Centre:
Community Centres
are public locations where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes. They may sometimes be open for the whole community or for a specialised group within the greater community.

A significant number of people living in Common Ward and the North End of Stafford live in low-income households. Holmcroft Youth & Community Centre (HYCC) is a place where people of all ages can gather to enrich their bodies, minds and souls, and foster feelings of belonging and civic pride.

HYCC has effectively championed these aspirations and wishes to be even more effective in the future. 

For these reasons and more, the loss of HYCC would pose a significant and negative impact on the surrounding community.  This we believe shows the importance of a community centre such as HYCC and indeed of community as a whole.

Community Centres have the capacity to tackle social problems such as racism, sexism, crime and violence through enriching people’s lives through education and positive actions that ultimately bring healing and emotional prosperity to diverse people within the community.

In many ways, modern life has led to a reduced sense of community. People have less of a sense of community now than they did in years gone by. We are all so wrapped up in our own lives we forget to be a part of the community that surrounds us. 

We have talked about neighbours before and how good it is to know them and watch out for them, but we can go a lot further than this if we were all to foster a greater sense of community through our Community Centre.

A Community Centre that is an integral part of the community nurtures positive relationships and engenders corporate responsibilities that reduces loneliness and isolation.  The individual without family or who is infirm or elderly does not need to feel left out.  The community takes on a caring, compassionate role that can see that individual fulfilled even though they are in need.  There are many other positive outcomes of an effective community centre including, making new friends and creating interest groups, facilitating special occasions and get-togethers. All because of Community.  HYCC has enjoyed a great history.  We are even more excited about its future.

Community centres should be just that – Centres of the Community. A home-like environment that welcomes people from all walks of life. We invite you to partner with us in creating connections between members of Holmcroft community and beyond that will help foster and sustain healthy relationships and build strong community.

An Excellent Future – Plan

PHASE 1:  Build Pre-School extension:

Noah’s Ark Pre-School welcomes, values and respects the uniqueness of each child and family. 

We believe that childhood is a time for children to be child like and explore their world. A sense of trust, security and belonging helps them to build positive relationships as well as respect for themselves and others and fostering a love of learning will captivate their mind forever.

We believe that when children are encouraged to investigate their environments with guidance, motivated to take age appropriate risks within a safe, warm, caring and supportive learning environment, they will develop an eagerness to gain knowledge and understanding and acquire skills needed for future advancement. 

We believe that working in partnership with parents / carers, will help each child thrive, enjoy and achieve.

At present our service is between 8:30am – 3:00pm.  But we are looking to extend the hours to 8:00am – 6:00pm for those in full time employment.

Our last Ofsted report in June  2021 was: ‘GOOD’.  A tremendous achievement by all our staff.  

NOTE: To extend our hours a building extension is required.

We are currently fully booked and have a waiting list.  



An internally generated report states that the current building is not fit for purpose.  It’s old, uneconomical to run, and cost for refurbishing is prohibitive.  The building is also limiting with regard to how many people or groups can use the facilities at any one time.  New people visiting the Centre are confused as they try to work out which entrance to use.

A new welcoming Community Centre that efficiently caters for multiple users at any given time.

Our location is ideal for conferences, community action and outreach.    

A new purpose-built Community Centre is required to increase the capacity of our building and extend our community work.

Our current facility has been in place for nearly 70 years and is no longer fit for purpose. Through the development of an options analysis carried out by an independent organisation, it is clear that the best way forward is to demolish most of our current structure and build a brand new, fit for purpose facility that allows us to provide more activities and services in line with the identified needs within the communities we serve. 

AMA Associates have produced a design that is welcoming, bright and self-sufficient.  We are also delighted that highly recommended Keystone Builders are on board too!  They have just won the National Lottery Building Awards.

Approximate costings for a new build is £2.5million. 

PHASE 3:  Demolish old facility: Build accessible car park:



As stated previously, HYCC was birthed as a Christian anchor for the local community.  HYCC is dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and supporting people of all ages, cultures and abilities, as an expression of compassionate Christian values.

To become a Centre accessible to all in our community and act as a catalyst for meeting the needs in the local community, we need to initiate and sustain the following:

  • Foodbank.
  • Children’s clubs.
  • Luncheon clubs..
  • Drop in surgeries.
  • Fitness Clubs.

A new purpose-built facility will move us from idealists to pragmatists.

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