
Holmcroft Youth Club (its original name) was established on the Newland Avenue site in 1948 although its origin dates back to 1943 when the Youth Club first used the facilities made available by a local primary school.

Its original name: The Club had a long successful history of providing effective Youth, Children and later Adult services in the North End of Stafford, offering cultural and Christian services, to fulfil the needs of the local community.

It is interesting to note that the buildings on site were constructed from whatever materials were available in the immediate post war period.

In March 1998 the Centre became known as Holmcroft Youth & Community Centre following re-registration with the Charity Community.

Holmcroft Youth & Community Centre has throughout its history been managed by the Holmcoft Management Committee. The charity worked in partnership with Staffordshire County Council County Youth Department up until 2008, when they occupied part of the premises for office accommodation/provision for youth clubs under the terms of a licence agreement.

Following a reorganisation in 2008 the County Council no longer required the use of office accommodation at Holmcroft but decided to use Centre facilities for the provision of their two youth clubs, an outreach project and as a location for meetings.

From March 2011 Holmcroft became a limited company by guarantee that retains the values and ethos of the Christians who founded the Centre over 70 years ago.

Over the last few years the Centre has developed into a busy and well used venue for local organisations to offer services for the community.

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